Red Dawn Alert: PLA possibly infiltrating USA amid illegal alien invasion, under cover of treasonous Biden/ third-term Obama regime’s open-borders policy; independent journalist Michael Yon documents numerous military-age Chinese males checking into UN-run migrant camps near Panama’s infamous Darien Gap; CBP officials also attest to illegal crossing of Chinese into USA via Arizona, Russians via El Paso; more vids purport to show Chinese at remote locations inside CONUS, handling and shooting firearms; retired USAF general Blaine Holt responds: “Tens of thousands of military-age men have come across our border and are now in America, organized by group and national- ity. Among them are terrorist and state actors, in particular, members of the People’s Liberation Army of China. As we speak, these actors are training, making plans and obtaining weapons, watching our patterns, and learning our vulnerabilities”; meanwhile Dem-run “sanctuary cities” grapple with crime surge perpetrated by migrant gangs; New York City housing 67,000 illegals, mayor Eric Adams imposes curfew on 20 migrant shelters after armed Venezuelan teen robs store, shoots bystander, migrant gangs assault NYPD cop, arrested but released without charges

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The situation in America is dire but you wouldn’t know it from the MSM. The Moscow-Beijing Axis and its allies are preparing to foment turmoil in the USA even as the shopping mall regime is distracted by the Super Bowl and other trivialities.

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