Monthly Archives: December 2019

Red Terror File: Deadly shooting takes place at entrance to FSB/KGB headquarters in Moscow, “loner gun enthusiast” Yevgeny Manyurov (39), resident of Podolsk, 40 km S. of Russia’s capital, kills two FSB officers, wounds five others before being shot dead by sniper; Manyurov’s apartment, which he shared with his mother, searched, five legally registered guns and large quantity of ammo found; Manyurov formerly worked as security guard at UAE embassy, practiced shooting at gun club; attacker’s motives unclear, reportedly shouted ISIS slogans as he opened fire, unnamed source close to FSB told Reuters shooting timed to coincide with Putin’s speech at FSB gala in Grand Kremlin Palace 1.5 km away, Manyurov’s mom: “He simply hated the FSB. I don’t know why but he did”; meanwhile DW publishes bio of Belarusian exile Yuri Garavski (41), young soldier recruited into military’s Special Rapid Response Unit (SOBR) in 1999, tasked with eliminating dictator Alexander Lukashenko’s opponents, orders only given verbally; SOBR kidnapped and murdered former interior minister Yuri Zakharenko, former election official Viktor Gonchar, and businessman, oppositionist Anatoly Krassovsky; referring to Lukashenko’s knowledge of death squad, Garavski says: “I think he knew”

USA/End Times Files: Globalist-backed communist-infiltrated Democratic Party votes to impeach President Trump on Dec. 18, three Dems dissent, Republican Congressmen united in opposition to two sham articles based on imagined crime, i.e., routine phone call between POTUS and Ukrainian counterpart last July; Trump third POTUS to be impeached, after Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton; House Speaker Pelosi, however, refuses to name impeachment managers for Senate until GOP Majority Leader McConnell defines procedures for trial of president, POTUS tweets meme of himself: “In reality they’re [Dems, Deep State] not after me, they’re after you [America]. I’m just in the way”; meanwhile DJT orders continuation of national emergency on “serious human rights abuse and corruption” beyond original termination date of Dec. 20, 2019, cites “extraordinary threat to national security”; even as Russian spy ship lurks off E. Coast and pro-Hezbollah Lebanese newspaper Al-Mayadeen purports to publish contents of US-brokered trilateral peace deal between Israel, PLO and Hamas, Israel would retain sovereignty over Temple Mount but Saudi Arabia would become custodian of holy sites, highway to link West Bank and Gaza Strip (Isa. 28:15, 18; Dan. 9:27)

Communism with Canadian Characteristics: PM Justin Trudeau transfers most of his powers to Deputy PM Chrystia Freeland in unusual move that leaves Canada’s MSM puzzled, Dec. 13 mandate letters to ministers outline portfolios, Freeland to be in charge of intergovernmental affairs (with provinces), enhance- ments to public health care, climate change policy, new gun control measures (banning “assault rifles”), improved access to child care, regional economic development, completing ratification of USMCA; center-right Toronto Sun quips: “All the best to Justin Trudeau on his semi-retirement”; meanwhile RCMP refuses to confirm or deny whether force investigating allegations Trudeau committed obstruction of justice by trying to quash SNC-Lavalin case; Liberal MP Majid Jowhari accused of spying for Tehran, associate of assassinated Iranian intel officer: “Masoud [Molavi] talked about someone by the name of Majid Jowhari. He’s an MP in the Parliament of Canada. He’s from the Liberal Party, representing Richmond Hill [Toronto] . . . He even received financial support from these people [Iran]”; Jowhari denies allegations, but Conservative Senator Linda Frum calls for claims to be “immediately investigated,” Trudeau to respond; even as secretive visa program allows 3,000 war criminals, terrorists and persons otherwise inadmissible to visit Canada since 2010

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Is Trudeau lightening his workload in order to skip the country and dodge a host of nasty scandals simmering below the MSM radar? Is he planning to retire early, preferably somewhere warm (i.e., Cuba, home of his biological father Fidel Castro, according to some cynical Canadian patriots)?

As usual, the big story’s unfolding in the USA, but there are also very “swampy” things taking place in the Great White North. Red diaper baby Justin moves in the same globalist political and financial circles as the Clintons . . .

Event Convergence Alert: President Trump blasts globalist-backed, Democrat-led coup ahead of House vote on sham articles of impeachment, quotes Fox News’ Andy McCarthy: “We don’t approach anything like the egregious conduct that should be necessary before a President should be removed from office . . . [especially] if there is no reasonable possibility that the Senate won’t convict and remove the President”; POTUS responds: “SUCH ATROCIOUS LIES BY THE RADICAL LEFT, DO NOTHING DEMOCRATS. THIS IS AN ASSAULT ON AMERICA, AND AN ASSAULT ON THE REPUBLICAN PARTY!!!!”; Majority Leader Mitch McConnell says Senate required to receive impeach- ment articles, but refuses to play along with House Speaker Pelosi’s “show trial”: “Do . . . we want to vote on the two very weak articles of impeachment? Or, do we want to have a show trial in which both sides try to embarrass the other”; QAnon enjoys inconspicuous endorsement from POTUS as Dec. 17 drops (#3715 and 3716) hint at impending arrest of ex-FBI lawyer, Mueller team member Lisa Page: “First indictment [unseal] will trigger mass pop awakening. First arrest will verify action and confirm future direction. They [Deep State] will fight but you [patriots] are ready. Marker [9]. Q”

Event Convergence Alert: President Trump retweets Dec. 15 post re. First Lady from pro-MAGA account, original tweet contains hastags #QAnon, #QAnon2018 and #QAnon2019, clearly indicating POTUS’ awareness of online phenomenon dismissed as “conspiracy theory” by MSM; follows latest QAnon posts intimating takedown of Deep State: post #3692 (Dec. 15): “212-397-2255 [phone number of Clinton Foundation’s NYC office] Operators are standing by. Q [with June 19 pic of three faceless QAnon supporters outside Gitmo]; post #3587 (Nov. 11): “Indictments coming [2019] Q”; AG Barr refers to FISA abuse report, POTUS’ detractors in Dec. 10 interview: “Why aren’t people going to prison for what they did to the president? . . . You know, these things take time [smiles]”; DJT’s presidential resume; 1) 1000s of pedophiles and human traffickers arrested; 2) numerous corrupt state and local Democrat politicians and bureaucrats arrested; 3) US-Mexico border wall construction proceeding, completion date of Dec. 2020; 4) one quarter of federal judiciary appointed; 5) US$200 million poured into expanding detention facilities at Guantanamo Bay; 6) US Marine reserves placed on alert on Oct. 3, respond to “threats in the homeland,” “defense support of civil authorities”; 7) patriots awaiting arrests of treasonous and seditious federal and state politicians and bureaucrats

Communism with Canadian Characteristics: PM Justin Trudeau orders his Heritage Min., former dir. of Greenpeace’s Quebec chapter Steven Guilbeault to impose heavy fines against social media companies that fail to remove “hate speech,” other illegal content within 24 hours of complaints; not so coincidentally citizen journalist Paul W. Kinkaid, who has been pursuing theory Trudeau behind 2017 murders of billionaire pharmaceutical couple, major Liberal Party fund raisers Barry and Honey Sherman, promptly goes offline, pleads poverty; meanwhile Toronto Police Service still investigating two-year-old case, no official suspects, Shermans themselves under investigation at time of death for breaking federal lobbying rules during two fundraisers in 2015 and 2016; meanwhile jury convicts former CEO of Montreal-based engineering giant SNC-Lavalin Sami Bebawi on charges of fraud, corruption of foreign officials and money laundering, case centered on infrastructure projects and dealings with son of late Libyan dictator Moammar Gadhafi; even as Prime Minister’s Office blocks RCMP probe into allegations of obstruction of justice, published phone transcript clearly reveals Trudeau’s Sec. to the Cabinet Michael Wernick calling on behalf of PM, urging Justice Min. Jody Wilson-Raybould to drop SNC case

EU File: UK Conservatives win massive victory in Dec. 12 parliamentary election, party’s largest majority since Margaret Thatcher won third term in 1987, huge validation for 2016 Brexit referendum, stinging rebuke to Soros-funded pro-EU forces such as Best for Britain org; PM Boris Johnson arrives at Buckingham Palace to ask Queen Elizabeth II for permission to form new government, declares: “We will get Brexit done on time by January 31 – no ifs, no buts, not maybe”; President Trump tweets BoJo: “Celebrate!”; working-class Britons defect in droves from Labour as party “swept aside” by Tories in Midlands and NE England, Labour also loses six seats in Wales, far-left party chief Jeremy Corbyn complains about “personal abuse” in media coverage, follows tongue-lashing from UK’s top Orthodox Jewish rabbi, accusations of anti-Semitism among Labour politicians; Brexit Party fails to pick up seats in West- minster although Nigel Farage’s party scored 29 seats in European Parliament last May; 100s of cadres of Antifa, Socialist Workers’ Party swarm central London, protest Tory landslide, clash with police on Dec. 13; meanwhile Tories call for Electoral Commission probe into Open Society Foundation after Liberal Democrats, Greens and Plaid Cymru form “Unite To Remain” pact not to stand against one another in 60 constituencies

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The forces of nationalism, populism and traditionalism deserve a resounding victory in the USA next year, just as they did yesterday in the UK. Death to globalism! Death to communism!

USA File: KINETIC rebellion shaping up in Virginia as state’s third-largest city Chesapeake passes “Second Amendment Sanctuary” resolution, joins 92 other towns, cities and counties in rush to counter Richmond’s plan to pass “gun safety” bill in Jan., Democrat-sponsored legislation would implement universal background checks, ban “assault rifles,” est. red flag law; Gov. Ralph Northam and AG Mark Herring try to assuage fears of overreach while warning defiant local governments, pro-2A county sheriffs: “There’s not going to be retaliation. That’s not what I’m about. I’m about making Virginia safer. If we have constitutional laws on the books and law enforcement officers are not enforcing those laws on the books, then there are going to be consequences . . .”; Herring: “So, when Virginia passes these gun safety laws that they will be followed, they will be enforced”; state Dem lawmaker Donald McEachin suggests Richmond cut off funding to rebellious towns and counties, governor could even mobilize National Guard; Augusta County Sheriff Donald Smith: “I honestly feel like the people of Augusta County will shoot law enforcement before they give their guns up”; historic flashback: nascent USA puts down armed tax revolt in W. Massachusetts, 1786-1787

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Shays’ Rebellion (1786-1787)

Leftists must be delusional because for some bizarre reason they believe that seizing guns from law-abiding citizens will reduce crime . . . unless, of course, the Democrats have ulterior motives with respect to disarming the US population . . . i.e., impose full-blown socialism (cf. Venezuela).

Communism with Canadian Characteristics: PM Justin Trudeau’s minority Liberal government loses first vote in House of Commons as Conservatives, separatist Bloc Quebecois and socialist NDP combine forces to support creation of committee to re-evaluate relations with Red China, every Liberal MP opposed bill; historic flashback: Justin’s Fabian socialist dad Pierre, PM from 1968 to 1984 (with short gap in 1979-1980), admired Chairman Mao, facilitated Communist Party of China’s infiltration of Canada; Conservative Senators organize similar initiatives to combat Red China’s organ trafficking, impose sanctions on PRC and Hong Kong officials who violate human rights; even as Conservative Party ousts leader Andrew Scheer over allegations he used party funds to cover his children’s private school tuition; Ottawa-Beijing ties “turned icy” last year after Vancouver police detained Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou on US arrest warrant, commies retaliated by jailing two Canadians on trumped-up “state security charges”; President Trump’s NSA urges Ottawa to reject Huawei’s bid to roll out 5G network in Arctic, Robert O’Brien: “When they get Huawei into Canada … they’re going to know everything about every single Canadian”

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Canada’s swamp may be frozen but it needs draining too.

Gray Terror File: Pentagon orders “operational pause” in training of 852 Saudi military students after Royal Saudi Air Force officer Mohammed Saeed Alshamrani smuggles handgun into Pensacola Naval Air Station on Dec. 6, wounds eight base personnel before killing three servicemen who tried to stop shooting rampage, shot dead by county deputies; Acting Sec. of Navy Thimas Modly posthumously awards “Wings of Gold” to Ensign Joshua K. Watson, Airman Mohammed S. Haitham and Airman Apprentice Cameron S. Walters; social media posts indicate Alshamrani self-radicalized as early as 2015, Saudi government internal report: “His retweets and likes in general heavily favored religious accounts that advocated for jihad and defended jihadists”; meanwhile armed suspect taken into custody at Corpus Christi Naval Air Station on Dec. 11, no one injured; US patriots suspect rogue elements of Saudi regime behind Oct. 1, 2017 Las Vegas massacre, witnesses testify of shots fired at Vegas Strip hotels other than Mandalay Bay, as well as from helicopters, Saudi air force booked entire Hotel W Las Vegas for month of Aug. 2017, took part in Red Flag drill at nearby Nellis AFB, putative lone gunman Stephen Paddock viewed as “patsy”

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Among other things, Pensacola is a tale of two Mohammeds: One a Middle East military officer turned terrorist infiltrator, the other a heroic 19-year-old boot camp grad who aspired to be a US Navy pilot.

USA File: President Trump responds to IG Horowitz’s FISA abuse report, anticipates results of US Attorney Durham’s criminal inquiry into Mueller probe: “They [Obama Admin and holdovers in FBI] fabricated evidence and they lied to the courts and they did all sorts of things to have it go their way. And this is something that we can never allow to happen again . . . the details of the report are far worse than anything I would have even imagined. What they were doing and what they would have done… This was an attempted overthrow, and a lot of people were in on it and they got caught . . . red-handed. And I look forward to the Durham Report which is going to come out in the not too distant future… He’s got his own info, which is this info plus plus plus”; even as House Judiciary Cmte. chair Nadler and House Speaker Pelosi announce two SHAM charges of impeachment against POTUS: abuse of power and obstruction of Congress vis-à-vis routine phone call with Ukrainian Pres. Zelensky on July 25; meanwhile national media ignores arrests and convictions of numerous corrupt Democrat politicians at state and local levels, unprecedented 134,000-plus sealed indictments in federal court dockets

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DJT is draining the swamp, but it’s taking time. The swamp is big and extends far beyond DC.

USA File: AG Barr issues statement on IG Horowitz’s FISA abuse report, damns Obama Admin and holdovers in FBI for spying on Team Trump, before and after inauguration day: “The Inspector General’s report now makes clear that the FBI launched an intrusive investi- gation of a U.S. presidential campaign on the thinnest of suspicions that, in my view, were insufficient to justify the steps taken . . . the investigation and surveillance was pushed forward for the duration of the campaign and deep into President Trump’s administration”; US Attorney Durham reacts, refers to own CRIMINAL INQUIRY into Mueller probe: “Based on the evidence collected to date, and while our investigation is ongoing, last month we advised the Inspector General that we do not agree with some of the report’s conclusions as to predication and how the FBI case was opened”; Washington Examiner reminds us: “[Obama] Justice Department and FBI made extensive use of an unverified dossier compiled by British ex-spy Christopher Steele, which made a series of salacious allegations regarding Trump and Russia”; The Federalist says FISA abuse report confirms “former CIA Director John Brennan lied to Congress about whether the dossier authored by Christopher Steele was used in the Obama admin’s ICA”

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Just the tip of the iceberg of Deep State corruption . . .

Event Convergence Alert: Deadly Dec. 6 terrorist attack at Pensacola Naval Air Station possible attempt by Deep State to tank diplomatic relations between USA and Saudi Arabia, create media diversion ahead of Dec. 9 release of FISA abuse report, IG Horowitz’s testimony before US Senate; Royal Saudi Air Force officer Mohammed Saeed Alshamrani training at naval base, smuggled gun into classroom, shoots three dead, inc. US serviceman Joshua Kaleb Watson, wounds eight, Escambia County deputies kill terrorist but not before being shot themselves, recovery expected; six Saudi nationals detained near base, three of whom filmed killings; Twitter manifesto revealed Alshamrani’s Islamist sentiments: “I hate you [USA] because every day you supporting, funding and committing crimes not only against Muslims but also humanity”; Saudi King Salman phones President Trump to denounce killings, Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL) calls for “full review” of military programs to train foreigners on US soil; flashback: four 911 skyjackers may have stolen IDs of Saudi flight students living at Pensacola base nearly 20 years ago, US Navy officials deny Sept. 11 terrorists trained at facility

Joshua Kaleb Watson

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The terrorist attack in Pensacola puts the Trump Admin’s friendship with Saudi Arabia in a very bad light. And the Deep State knows it. The identities of Alshamrani’s victims have not been released, but at least one was a US serviceman, Joshua Kaleb Watson of Enterprise, Florida: “According to his family, Watson was shot multiple times at NAS Pensacola but managed to escape, telling the first response team where Alshamrani was. He was taken to a hospital but died of his injuries. The family says he died a hero, and friends ask for prayers during this time.”

USA File: Billionaire gun control advocate, 2020 hopeful Michael Bloomberg financed Democratic Party’s successful campaign to seize control of both houses of Virginia’s General Assembly in Nov. 5 election; state to provide test case for Bloomberg’s national gun ban, red flag law as Richmond Dems promptly introduce bill to outlaw right of self-defense under guise of preventing “civil disorder,” “paramilitary activity,” inc. firearms and martial arts instruction; Senate Bill 64 to be debated in Jan. 2020, 59 Virginia towns, cities and counties respond by declaring themselves “2nd Amendment Sanctuaries”; Culpeper County citizens pack Board of Supervisors meeting on Dec. 3, Sheriff Scott Jenkins addresses patriots: “The right to bear arms—some believe that the Second Amendment gives us that right, when in fact it’s a God-given right . . . If the legislature decides to restrict certain weapons [in a way] I feel harms our community, I will swear in thousands of auxiliary deputies in Culpeper”; National Rifle Association based in Fairfax, VA, sues San Francisco after far-left city declares NRA “terrorist org”

Culpeper County Board of Supervisors Mtg_12-3-19

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Above: Culpeper County Board of Supervisors meeting, December 3, 2019. A 17-year-old George Washington was the county’s first surveyor. We would venture to say that the good folks pictured here probably don’t think well of the nearby District of Corruption, or the Hellyweird types who regularly vilify patriots.

Red World Order File: Soviet deception plot against Free World unfolds three decades after fall of Berlin Wall as veteran Leninist Mikhail Gorbachev (88) warns of “hot war” between USA, Russia; meanwhile long-time boss of Communist Party of Russian Federation leads delegation to Beijing, meets senior CP of China official Zhao Leji on Dec. 4, Gennady Zyuganov pledges “deeper” inter-party relations as basis for “comprehen- sive strategic partnership” between RF, PRC; follows arrival of delegation of potemkin ruling party United Russia (YR) on Nov. 26, red dictator Xi Jinping welcomes senior YR official Boris Gryzlov for “7th meeting of the dialogue mechanism between the ruling parties of China and Russia”; Vladimir Putin gushes over YR-CPC relations: “The United Russia party and the Communist Party of China have developed constructive interaction and also exchange experience in the fields of party development, personnel training, in international and social affairs”; Kremlin dispatches A Just Russia chief to Havana on Nov. 26, Sergei Mironov received by 2nd Sec. of Cuban Communist Party; even as Czech Security Info Service publishes annual report, warns against “operatives of all Russian intelligence services,” “hybrid warfare” conducted by “pro-Russia activists,” also notes “[Red] Chinese activities aimed at the Czech academia, security bodies and state admin.”

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Gorbachev, Putin, Gryzlov and Mironov are all “ex”-CPSU cadres, just as United Russia, A Just Russia and all other pro-Kremlin parties are fronts for the Communist Party of the Russian Federation/Soviet Union. The real oppositionists in Russia are either in jail or dead . . .

So, indeed, the Communist Bloc is alive and well nearly 30 years after it supposedly folded. However, KGB defector Anatoliy Golitsyn first published a warning of the controlled collapse of the Soviet Union and its Warsaw Pact vassals back in 1984. Did anyone listen? Or perhaps Western governments and media were already heavily compromised by communist agents at the time . . . Fast forward to the globalist-backed, communist-driven, Democrat-led impeachment coup against President Trump . . .