WW4 File: NATO to hold largest maneuvers since Cold War (AFTER UNWISELY DEPLETING CONVENTIONAL MUNITIONS VIA SHIPMENTS TO UKRAINE), Steadfast Defender 2024 to run through May, involve 90,000 troops, 50 warships, 80 fighter jets, helos and drones, 1,100 combat vehicles inc. 133 tanks and 533 IFVs; even as Dutch admiral Robert Bauer, Chief of NATO Military Cmte. joins UK, Swedish and other Dutch brass in imploring civilians to PREPARE FOR WAR WITH RUSSIA, stock up on food, water and emergency supplies, SURVIVE FOR AT LEAST 36 HOURS (without government services); BUT UNCONVINCINGLY DOWNPLAYS IMMINENCE OF THREAT; Bauer: “We need a wartime transformation of NATO. I’m not saying it is going wrong tomorrow. But we have to realize it’s not a given that we are in peace. And that’s why we have the [war] plans. You need to have water, you need to have a radio on batteries, and you need to have a flashlight on batteries to make sure that you can survive the first 36 hours”; UK Defence Sec. Grant Shapps: “In five years’ time we could be looking at multiple theatres including Russia, China, Iran and North Korea”

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After falling for Moscow’s ruse in Ukraine (the purpose of which was to disarm the West by “helping” Kiev), European politicians and NATO military commanders are now urging civilians to prepare for war with Russia (and its allies including Red China and North Korea), but they are at the same time downplaying the IMMINENCE of the threat, clearly so as to avoid provoking the shopping mall regime to needless panic.

More than two years ago, responding to the Moscow-Beijing Axis’ COVID-19 binary bioweapon (virus/jab), we implemented an “international bug out route,” leaving the North Atlantic Alliance altogether and moving to Latin America. However, if you live in the USA there may still be some time to move away from the cities. DO IT NOW. If you live in Canada, move away from the country’s southern border. DO IT NOW.

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