Communism with Canadian Characteristics: Political orientation of Trudeau regime revealed in quotes: WEF Young Global Leader, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in 2013 townhall: “There’s a level of admiration I actually have for China. Their basic dictatorship is actually allowing them to turn their economy around on a dime . . .”; WEF apparatchik, Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland questions validity of capitalism in commence- ment speech at Boston’s Northeastern U. on May 7: “There are many ways to describe this transformational moment, but I think they all come down to one fundamental question: Does capitalist democracy still work? That is the question being posed around kitchen tables, in my country and this one, as parents wonder if our children can count on capitalist democracy’s essential promise of a future more prosperous than our present”; Trudeau’s former Justice Minister David Lametti in 2022: “You don’t have an absolute right to own private property in Canada”; Trudeau’s Environment Minister, ex-Greenpeace activist Steven Guilbeault addresses House of Commons on Nov. 7: “I’m a Liberal and a proud socialist, Mr. Speaker”

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Rod Giltaca, CEO of Canadian Coalition for Firearms Rights, interviewed on how firearms bans undermine property rights (source)

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