Communism with Canadian Characteristics: Ottawa police arrest Freedom Convoy 2022 organizers Tamara Lich and Chris Barber as Davos/Beijing-backed Trudeau regime moves against anti-mandate dissidents with never-before-used Emergencies Act, launches second stage of coup that began with arrival of COVID-19 in North America in March 2020; Lich ex-member of Maverick Party, which advocates secession of Western provinces, prior to arrest she released video statement expressing anticipation of arrest but mentally prepared; interim Ottawa police chief Steve Bell pushes official narrative that peaceful protesters are “terrorists”: “Action is imminent. It’s time to go. Your time in our city has come to an end and you must leave”; even as 20 masked, axe-wielding eco-terrorists attack Coastal GasLink pipeline near Houston, small town in N. British Columbia, shortly after midnight on Feb. 17; radical left vandals terrorize staff at remote worksite, topple two excavators, badly damage trucks, cut hydraulic and fuel lines, throw smoke bombs and fire-lit sticks at responding RCMP officers; Chief Supt. Warren Brown calls assault “calculated and organized violent attack that left its victims shaken and a multi-million dollar path of destruction”

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Be assured the Trudeau regime will look the other way as the real domestic terrorists run amok . . .

2 responses to “Communism with Canadian Characteristics: Ottawa police arrest Freedom Convoy 2022 organizers Tamara Lich and Chris Barber as Davos/Beijing-backed Trudeau regime moves against anti-mandate dissidents with never-before-used Emergencies Act, launches second stage of coup that began with arrival of COVID-19 in North America in March 2020; Lich ex-member of Maverick Party, which advocates secession of Western provinces, prior to arrest she released video statement expressing anticipation of arrest but mentally prepared; interim Ottawa police chief Steve Bell pushes official narrative that peaceful protesters are “terrorists”: “Action is imminent. It’s time to go. Your time in our city has come to an end and you must leave”; even as 20 masked, axe-wielding eco-terrorists attack Coastal GasLink pipeline near Houston, small town in N. British Columbia, shortly after midnight on Feb. 17; radical left vandals terrorize staff at remote worksite, topple two excavators, badly damage trucks, cut hydraulic and fuel lines, throw smoke bombs and fire-lit sticks at responding RCMP officers; Chief Supt. Warren Brown calls assault “calculated and organized violent attack that left its victims shaken and a multi-million dollar path of destruction”

  1. bedlamsbard1 February 18, 2022 at 8:08 am

    Thanks for continuing this blog. This Bedlamsbard1 from the old TFP forum.

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