Communism with Canadian Characteristics: Red Chinese bioweapon known as COVID-19 kills more than 5,100 Canadians, lockdowns throw two million out of work, PRC buys up Nunavut gold mine at fire sale price; meanwhile Postmedia columnist Mark Bonokoski accuses pro-Beijing PM Trudeau of setting up dictator- ship under cover of pandemic, cabinet ban on semi-auto rifles latest power grab, reminds Canadians that Justin’s Fabian socialist dad Pierre countered FLQ terror campaign in 1970 by freezing civil liberties, excerpts: “Since retaining minority government control in 2019, the Trudeau Liberals have used the coronavirus pandemic as a convenient smokescreen to effectively take full control of all spending, taxation, corporate nationalization . . .”; “There are upwards of 20 million guns legally owned by Canadians”; “But the last thing a government needs if considering a takeover of its own democratic country is an armed civilian population”; “[T]here could be an immediate armed resistance”; “Justin Trudeau, an admitted admirer of China’s communist government — as well as the Marxist doctrines of Fidel Castro — would know this better than most because he was taught on his daddy’s knee”

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Hey, Justin! Who’s your daddy? Pierre or family friend Fidel? We’re not expecting mommy Margaret to reveal the family secret anytime soon . . .

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