Red Terror File: Russia’s “ex”-communist dictator Putin sends telegram to Obama, offers assistance in investigation into Boston Marathon bombings; no claim of responsibility for deadly attack, no motive discovered; Kremlin “frets” over security ahead of 2014 Sochi Olympics

This story warrants a “Hmmm . . .”


4 responses to “Red Terror File: Russia’s “ex”-communist dictator Putin sends telegram to Obama, offers assistance in investigation into Boston Marathon bombings; no claim of responsibility for deadly attack, no motive discovered; Kremlin “frets” over security ahead of 2014 Sochi Olympics

  1. mah29001 April 17, 2013 at 12:31 am

    There are possibilities that Saudi Shiites, really being trained by Iranian operatives could have been lurking about, after all, Iran supports the “Arab Spring”, and attempted to instigate a revolt in Saudi Arabia.

    Also, the Russian allies known as the “Palestinians” celebrated the Boston marathon massacre as Hamas, Hezbollah and the “Palestinian Authority” handed out candy to their supporters….

  2. mah29001 April 17, 2013 at 12:32 am

    Here’s something else, it’s very eerily familiar to the anthrax attacks that happened after 9/11, even though that case was a “lone wolf” rogue scientist it’s rather suspicious to how such a rogue scientist was able to obtain the anthrax material to be sent out:

  3. mah29001 April 17, 2013 at 1:25 am

    And our Soviet mole’s friends in Egypt are ready and waiting if it turns out to be a non-Islamic extremist behind the blasts in Boston like the one in Norway, they were so eager to endorse a bombing in Norway, and withdrew when it came to expose a non-Muslim extremist was behind the bombing and massacre instead.

    Same possible scenario could unfold in Boston which is why they are eager enough to deny they are a Religion of Pieces:

    Even when they celebrate someone else bringing people to pieces….

  4. mah29001 April 19, 2013 at 2:32 am

    There are reports circulating that there are new suspects the Feds are searching in this case, the first two were ruled out as suspects but the next two the Feds are looking into. One looks Middle Eastern, and the other looks European? Eastern European?

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