EU File: French globalists, Eurocrats follow trail blazed by US Democratic Party, launch desperate bid to stop front-running, Trump-admiring right-populist Marine Le Pen from winning Apr. 23/May 7 presidential election; outgoing Socialist Pres. Hollande failed to thwart surge of Islamic terrorist attacks during admin, vows to disrupt Le Pen’s anti-immigration bid for Élysée Palace: “My ultimate duty is to make sure that France is not won over by such a [National Front] program . . .”; French police raid FN HQ near Paris on Feb. 20 in “fake jobs” probe after European Parliament’s anti-fraud agency alleges Le Pen paid party staff with EU funds in 2011-12, FN hits back: “It looks on the face of it like a media operation whose goal is to disturb the course of the presidential campaign”; Euro Parliament’s legal affairs cmte. votes to lift fellow MEP Le Pen’s immunity for tweeting “violent” pics of ISIS in 2015, whole body must ratify vote; French appeals court upholds conviction of Le Pen’s father, FN founder Jean-Marie for anti-Roma remarks; Le Pen rallies voters with “France First” policy, urges preservation of French civilization vis-à-vis globalism, Islam: “We enlist all patriots from the right or left to join us”; long-time card-carrying communists in NE rust belt towns defecting to National Front

2 responses to “EU File: French globalists, Eurocrats follow trail blazed by US Democratic Party, launch desperate bid to stop front-running, Trump-admiring right-populist Marine Le Pen from winning Apr. 23/May 7 presidential election; outgoing Socialist Pres. Hollande failed to thwart surge of Islamic terrorist attacks during admin, vows to disrupt Le Pen’s anti-immigration bid for Élysée Palace: “My ultimate duty is to make sure that France is not won over by such a [National Front] program . . .”; French police raid FN HQ near Paris on Feb. 20 in “fake jobs” probe after European Parliament’s anti-fraud agency alleges Le Pen paid party staff with EU funds in 2011-12, FN hits back: “It looks on the face of it like a media operation whose goal is to disturb the course of the presidential campaign”; Euro Parliament’s legal affairs cmte. votes to lift fellow MEP Le Pen’s immunity for tweeting “violent” pics of ISIS in 2015, whole body must ratify vote; French appeals court upholds conviction of Le Pen’s father, FN founder Jean-Marie for anti-Roma remarks; Le Pen rallies voters with “France First” policy, urges preservation of French civilization vis-à-vis globalism, Islam: “We enlist all patriots from the right or left to join us”; long-time card-carrying communists in NE rust belt towns defecting to National Front

  1. mah29001 March 7, 2017 at 3:29 am

    I wonder if the Reds are going to try to hide among the National Front in France.

  2. mah29001 March 8, 2017 at 12:11 pm

    I sense the EU elites are scrambling against people like Le Pen, there are allege allegations that the British were spying on Trump because they were spying to see if there’s anything incriminating against the Britexit leaders whom were visiting Trump Tower.

    Perhaps they don’t want to investigate #Pizzagate as some conspiracy theorists have alluded too…

    …this is ongoing with all major political parties in Britain, in the USA, it’s mostly the Democrats involved with a few RINO Republicans participating in the scandal.

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